(set prompt-mmdir "Where should I install Mail Manager (a drawer called MM will be created) ?")
(set help-mmdir "You must choose where to create your MM: dir...")
(set prompt-startup "Some instructions need to be added to the \"S:user-startup\" so that your system will be properly configured to use Mail Manager")
(set help-startup "These are the assignments for a correct use of Mail Manager")
(set prompt-copy-locale "Shall I copy the locale files ?")
(set help-copy-locale "Answer 'Yes' if you want a localized MailManager.\nIn any case I'll keep a copy of the catalogs in MM:Locale.")
(set prompt-copy-font "Shall I copy the MMBrowse and MMClean Fonts ?")
(set help-copy-font "These are special fonts designed to allow more characters to be clearly displayed on the screen.")
(set message-MMprefs "Now I will run MM_Prefs.\nBy asking you for a little information MM_Prefs will create a default point configuration with which you should be immediatelly able to run Mail Manager as a 'normal' point")
(set yes-inst "Yes")
(set no-inst "No")
; ********************
; *** Main Program ***
; ********************
(set inst-dir (pathonly @icon))
(set main-dir (tackon inst-dir "//MM"))
(complete 0)
; *** ask the user for the MM: assign and create the directory
(set mmdir (askdir (prompt prompt-mmdir)
(help help-mmdir)
(default "MAIL:")
(set @default-dest (tackon mmdir "MM"))
(makedir @default-dest)
(set mm-info (tackon inst-dir "//MM.info"))
(copyfiles (source mm-info) (dest mmdir))
(if (not @pretend) (makeassign "MM" @default-dest))